Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Fellowship begins.....

The first leg of my travelling fellowship is well underway, This is a quick update from Changi Airport in Singapore where I have got a little stop before I catch my connecting flight to Auckland. Firstly I have to say how brilliant Singapore Airlines are, they were completely faultless throughout the entire flight here with top quality service and some really nice food on the plane! Secondly Changi Airport is second to none, I have been fortunate enough to have traveled far and wide in my few years on this planet and I am in love with this airport. Hot showers, swimming pool, so many plants and flowers inside the terminal that I could spend a week here, and to top it all off a Butterfly house/garden inside too! 

I must run and catch my flight but I will keep you  all up to date with what I'm up to and all the beautiful people and gardens that I encounter over the coming weeks. 


  1. Hello Jonny.
    I badly wanted to wish you "bon voyage" but missed you and there you are already in foreign parts. So, have a wonderful time, work hard and learn lots, but make time to partake of much food and ale (American ale?!) and local hospitality then come home safely to bore us all to death with your stories and superior knowledge! Keep safe and well.
    Jan (Morgan - Monday old bat)

  2. Hello Johnny. Airport sounds great. Good luck. Matt

  3. Jonny, you really can't spend your whole trip at Changi Airport! Looking forward to your next blog.
